Archive for the ‘student’ Category

In this article I will discuss the notion of ‘property’, and propose a solution for how the institution of property can be changed in an Equal Money System.

Currently property is a form of control that we have created because our society is based on fear and more precisely fear of loss. This means that we have accepted ‘property’ as a means to ‘protect’ ourselves against each other, because of the underlying belief that there is not enough for everyone. Interestingly the word property sounds like poverty – because that is exactly what we have created. A system of exploitation where a small group is able to through the concept of property use and abuse the majority of human beings on this planet, where, mind you half the world exists in actual poverty and 20.000 children starve to death every day.

Yet is the belief ever questioned that ‘there isn’t enough’?

Isn’t it striking that those areas in the world that are experiencing the most dramatic poverty are often also those who are the largest exporters of Food in the world ?

So, clearly – there is something not working in our system.

This is why we propose an Equal Money System – as it is seen that the current economic system is gone out of hand and is no longer able to be adjusted in any beneficial direction. As we can see daily in the news: it is only getting worse.

An Equal Money system is based on the premise that money is merely what we agree it to be. An Equal Money System is a new socioeconomic system where the value of money will be based on the Equal Value of All Life. This means that practically speaking money will no longer be the supreme holder of value – but instead we all agree that instead Life should be valued and supported and not money for the sake of money.

What this practically means is that money will become a tool of distribution and access that will equally be made available to all. In other words: everyone will have Equal Money from birth till death, so that everyone’s practical needs are always met and no one need to experience any form of material lack ever again. This is a mathematical problem that can be worked out once it is acknowledged that there are in fact more than enough resources in the world as is confirmed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

This is just to give you a basic understanding as to what it is we are accepting in the current system and what is in fact possible, if we would agree on some new principles to guide decision-making.

So, let’s now turn to property and what property will become in an Equal Money System.

In an Equal Money System there will no longer be property as we currently know it. Here I suggest we replace it with the notion of ‘allocation’. Currently you are through money able to buy an item and then claim this item as yours. Within this you have the ‘legal right’ to dispose of your item as you please, since it is your ‘property’. Hence you are never really accountable for the way you handle that which is given to you, because as the ‘owner’ you are ‘the boss’ and your item is your slave. In an Equal Money system such inequality and abuse will no longer be acceptable, as with ‘allocation’ you are no longer the ‘owner’ of that which is given to you. Instead you become the caretaker, where you understand that there is equality between you and that which is under your care and that you must now look after the item as your child to be entitled to use it.

Let’s take housing as an example. In terms of housing, no one will ‘own’ the house they live in, as everything belongs to the earth, just as your body belongs to the earth. So, to be ‘allocated’ a house will then mean that you are given the care of that house and that you are now (alone or with others) responsible for the house. Allocation thus means an agreement between you and that which you are allocated, to take care of it in the best possible way so that it can be handed to the next person in an optimal state, just as it was given to you.

Obviously allocation will imply a great level of responsibility, which implies not only the willingness but also the practical skill to in fact be able to handle a household and to maintain a physical house. In other words there will be actual training required and practicals to be able to assess whether a person is actually ready to be allocated a house. This can be done with a system of licenses where for all kinds of items you require to have a license. In the example of housing the license could be incorporated in the general education curriculum, where for last year ‘students’, a housing area would be made available with houses for them to live in during the last six months of their year, to learn how to practically take care of a house and to through direct experience learn all the aspects that must be considered within utilizing a house. The readiness of the ‘student’ can then easily be assessed through assessments with feedback – after which a final assessment can be given after a few months to see if the suggestions and the feedback have been applied. Then the ‘student’ receives the license and is then entitled to be allocated a house.

This solution can be applied to any form of allocation, such as allocation of specific high tech materials – which require specific knowledge and maintenance, but also the allocation of animals: where you must prove your ability to take responsibility for that particular animal with full understanding.

Licenses will thus play a major role in an Equal Money System – as the licenses will be the measurement of your practical responsibility skills. Regarding the basic points that would form part of everyone’s requirement, such as housing, modules with licenses would be able to be implemented in the normal curriculum. Hence a normal curriculum will become actual ‘life-training’ – instead of merely the absorption of knowledge and information and to then be sent out into the world with no practical preparation whatsoever.

Allocation through a licensing system is but one of the many points that would drastically change the face of this world.

Fear will no longer exist in relation to you having the right to exist in this world, as Equal Money will facilitate the peaceful coexistence of all human beings – all being equally entitled to be part of this world and explore Life.

Join the research at

Gabriël Zamora Moreno

I had the opportunity to see the documentary Waiting for Superman a while ago, which talks about the American school system and exposes the mechanisms that keep the quality of education in America in a very bad state.

A large amount of numbers are shown in this movie to establish that yes, the United States are dealing with a serious problem throughout their education, causing massive amounts of children to drop out of school and causing the overall population to be poorly educated.

Then they take a look at what the reasons for this could be, because on the one hand they have these very bad figures, while on the other hand they do have schools that seem to work comparatively better, where new forms of learning are able to be tested out and children systematically produce better results.

What is ultimately asserted as the main cause for this problem is that under the American school system it is extremely difficult to get a schoolteacher fired. There had been some attempts by certain politicians to effect change by firing large amounts of teachers who were known to not do their job properly – yet what they faced was a heavy procedure that made this nearly impossible. This procedure in turn is the work of the teacher-Unions, who initially had tried to ‘protect’ teachers and ‘stand up for the rights of teachers’.

So, the point of the teacher-contract and the teacher-unions are pointed at as the cause why the public school system in America is ‘unable to improve’ – however what is missed within this, is that there is yet a deeper factor which determines the behavior of the teacher-unions and the apparent greed of the teachers. This is the socio-economic factor. Namely: it is not questioned that it is normal for a person to be able to get fired from their job and then simply be without income.

In other words: the cause of the bad public school system in America is not due to the teacher Unions per say, but due to the acceptance of a system in which one need to wage labor in order to have access to money to be able to survive. Hence, it is the consequence of the de-valuation of life which is expressed through our current economic system.

Imagine what would happen to schools if the teacher was not standing there because he/she needs money to pay his/her bills? But instead ONLY because he/she is motivated to the bone to find the best possible way to teach the children some skills that will make them more self-responsible and self-reliable human beings. There seem to exist teachers who really ‘love their job’ – but as the documentary proves that is not enough to produce decent overall education. As long as the primary motivation for teaching is money – one will not be able to trust public schooling.

Hence it is clear that the poor education in America is but merely a facet of a much bigger problem, namely the socio-economic system that not only America – but, by now, pretty much the whole world have agreed upon. A system in which only half of the world is supported and the rest is either existing in poverty or either experiencing downright starvation.  

It is clear that public schooling is not here to benefit the children – because if that were the case the children would have been able to question the system, and as they grow older, decide that an alternative must be created. Instead as is shown in the documentary, they are demoralized and pushed to ‘give up’.  

Only when the socio-economic foundation of the system is replaced with one of Equal Unconditional support for all, will it be possible to start looking at education for real – because now every and all decisions made in this world are governed by money – and never by what is best for the child.

Are you interested in a world where life is actually valued and real education is possible?

Investigate Equal Money.

Gabriël Zamora Moreno

“Anyone going to college essentially is gambling… Once again, from an investor’s point of view, right now – the way the dollar is, the way inflation is going up, and the way the job market is – a college education just isn’t a good investment… and not a good return on your money.”  — Gennady Litvin, Dept & Bankruptcy Attorney

There was a revealing interview done by RT, called “Brain, No Gain: College a bad investment for jobless US grads”  – from which the above quote is taken.

The interview explains very clearly how at the moment the American economy is in an alarming state of crisis because half of last year’s college graduates are still unemployed to this day. This is because the job market is tightening up to such an extent that even people with qualified degrees can end up on the streets or jobless and in great debt. The US has an allowance for banks to lend money to students as college money – though these amounts are exorbitantly high. One girl speaks of having 60.000 US dollars in debt – a boy mentions even 90.000 US dollars.

Clearly these students have been duped – and have merely been used as ‘human resource’ to make money for the universities and the banks.  

So yes, an entire generation will be lost – and the future ones even more so as long as the current system is ‘kept’ as the ‘best way to exist on earth’ – which is now in a crisis of which many have already said it cannot be fixed and will eventually collapse. The numbers are quite obvious and speak for themselves. Some have dared to speak of a ‘recovery’ – US debt is now at 14 trillion US dollars – that is 6 trillion more than last year – and Europe has now 3 countries that have gone broke under the Euro and many already speculate about who will be the next to ‘fall’ – to me it looks like the system is crashing down in slow motion.

Understand – there will be no solution coming forth that will actually stop the direction in which the world economies are headed – and thus the situation will only get worse.

There is no sufficient understanding of what is causing the problem – as is proven by the many predictions of recovery done by the greatest experts – and there is no willingness to look at what would actually benefit the majority of human beings – which is supposedly the principle of democracy, therefore democracy doesn’t exist.

So, the solution is simplistic – one need to ‘think radical’ and be able to deal with reality: currently half the world (more than 3 Billion people) are living in poverty with 1 Billion on the brink of starvation every day. This atrocity used to be justified by saying that the economic system is beneficial to the West and creating wealth for the West… Though as the example in this interview is demonstrating this is no longer the case – soon we will all be losers under the current system. So, it’s time the former elite make up their mind as to what kind of world they will be creating for their children and their children to come.

At the moment the picture looks pretty grim – and there are crisis in many areas: from financial to ecological to humanitarian – though which all tie together.

The point is that such play-outs can be avoided and are not a necessary path for humanity – though that will require great effort and willingness to stand together as a group that care for each other. We’ve suggested that it is time an Equal Money system be considered as a solution to the current crisis – because within such a structure all of humanity can be integrated as one group of equals, where every single child born is immediately supported through the system of equal unconditional income.

This will transcend all borders.

End all wars.

End all exploitation.

End the struggle for survival.

Everyone will be equally supported and cared for – do you believe that is materially impossible?

Look at what infrastructure, logistics and money are put in play for causes of war – and think again.

Thus – do your research on equal money, what it actually means and stands for and become part of the solution.

Soon there will be a number of  Books published dealing in greater detail with the outlooks of the system, so stay tuned.

Gabriël Zamora Moreno

I give a quick review of where I am currently at in my process and what are some of the points I am busy with – such as studying law and the courses I subscribed for this semester and how to practically manage that in time

This vlog is part of the Desteni income plan as a global initiative towards World Equality with an Equal Money System
For more information about the Income plan, visit:

For information about the Equal Money system, visit: