Archive for the ‘law’ Category

In this article I will discuss the notion of ‘property’, and propose a solution for how the institution of property can be changed in an Equal Money System.

Currently property is a form of control that we have created because our society is based on fear and more precisely fear of loss. This means that we have accepted ‘property’ as a means to ‘protect’ ourselves against each other, because of the underlying belief that there is not enough for everyone. Interestingly the word property sounds like poverty – because that is exactly what we have created. A system of exploitation where a small group is able to through the concept of property use and abuse the majority of human beings on this planet, where, mind you half the world exists in actual poverty and 20.000 children starve to death every day.

Yet is the belief ever questioned that ‘there isn’t enough’?

Isn’t it striking that those areas in the world that are experiencing the most dramatic poverty are often also those who are the largest exporters of Food in the world ?

So, clearly – there is something not working in our system.

This is why we propose an Equal Money System – as it is seen that the current economic system is gone out of hand and is no longer able to be adjusted in any beneficial direction. As we can see daily in the news: it is only getting worse.

An Equal Money system is based on the premise that money is merely what we agree it to be. An Equal Money System is a new socioeconomic system where the value of money will be based on the Equal Value of All Life. This means that practically speaking money will no longer be the supreme holder of value – but instead we all agree that instead Life should be valued and supported and not money for the sake of money.

What this practically means is that money will become a tool of distribution and access that will equally be made available to all. In other words: everyone will have Equal Money from birth till death, so that everyone’s practical needs are always met and no one need to experience any form of material lack ever again. This is a mathematical problem that can be worked out once it is acknowledged that there are in fact more than enough resources in the world as is confirmed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

This is just to give you a basic understanding as to what it is we are accepting in the current system and what is in fact possible, if we would agree on some new principles to guide decision-making.

So, let’s now turn to property and what property will become in an Equal Money System.

In an Equal Money System there will no longer be property as we currently know it. Here I suggest we replace it with the notion of ‘allocation’. Currently you are through money able to buy an item and then claim this item as yours. Within this you have the ‘legal right’ to dispose of your item as you please, since it is your ‘property’. Hence you are never really accountable for the way you handle that which is given to you, because as the ‘owner’ you are ‘the boss’ and your item is your slave. In an Equal Money system such inequality and abuse will no longer be acceptable, as with ‘allocation’ you are no longer the ‘owner’ of that which is given to you. Instead you become the caretaker, where you understand that there is equality between you and that which is under your care and that you must now look after the item as your child to be entitled to use it.

Let’s take housing as an example. In terms of housing, no one will ‘own’ the house they live in, as everything belongs to the earth, just as your body belongs to the earth. So, to be ‘allocated’ a house will then mean that you are given the care of that house and that you are now (alone or with others) responsible for the house. Allocation thus means an agreement between you and that which you are allocated, to take care of it in the best possible way so that it can be handed to the next person in an optimal state, just as it was given to you.

Obviously allocation will imply a great level of responsibility, which implies not only the willingness but also the practical skill to in fact be able to handle a household and to maintain a physical house. In other words there will be actual training required and practicals to be able to assess whether a person is actually ready to be allocated a house. This can be done with a system of licenses where for all kinds of items you require to have a license. In the example of housing the license could be incorporated in the general education curriculum, where for last year ‘students’, a housing area would be made available with houses for them to live in during the last six months of their year, to learn how to practically take care of a house and to through direct experience learn all the aspects that must be considered within utilizing a house. The readiness of the ‘student’ can then easily be assessed through assessments with feedback – after which a final assessment can be given after a few months to see if the suggestions and the feedback have been applied. Then the ‘student’ receives the license and is then entitled to be allocated a house.

This solution can be applied to any form of allocation, such as allocation of specific high tech materials – which require specific knowledge and maintenance, but also the allocation of animals: where you must prove your ability to take responsibility for that particular animal with full understanding.

Licenses will thus play a major role in an Equal Money System – as the licenses will be the measurement of your practical responsibility skills. Regarding the basic points that would form part of everyone’s requirement, such as housing, modules with licenses would be able to be implemented in the normal curriculum. Hence a normal curriculum will become actual ‘life-training’ – instead of merely the absorption of knowledge and information and to then be sent out into the world with no practical preparation whatsoever.

Allocation through a licensing system is but one of the many points that would drastically change the face of this world.

Fear will no longer exist in relation to you having the right to exist in this world, as Equal Money will facilitate the peaceful coexistence of all human beings – all being equally entitled to be part of this world and explore Life.

Join the research at

Gabriël Zamora Moreno

This is a quote taken from Jose Graziano de Silva’s submission program – who has now taken the office of Director General in the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

“During its 65 years of life, FAO can claim to have contributed to a remarkable growth in food output. Average per capita food availability has risen by 40%. Enough food is now being produced to meet the needs of all of the world’s population that has risen in the past 65 years from 2.5 billion to almost 7 billion.

This success in expanding food output, however, has not been enough to overcome hunger. One in seven people in the world – almost one billion people – face hunger every day of their lives, and almost 3 billion more are affected by malnutrition, including health-damaging malnutrition caused by over-consumption of food. In other words, over half of the world’s population suffers from not eating properly. People are hungry, not so much because of lack of food availability, but mainly because they cannot afford the food they need for a healthy and productive life.”

The statement is clear: there is enough food for everyone – but everyone doesn’t have enough money to buy food.

The solutions in Graziano’s program indicate that he is not considering a change in the economic system as a way to change this situation.

So, I will place some perspectives here for anyone involved in governments, NGO’s or international organizations, that should by now be part of your consideration. The points I will discuss are the Basic Income Grant (BIG) and the Equal Money System (EMS).

Simplistically, BIG is a system based on redistribution of money – where the redistribution is done within the bounds and parameters of the current economic and monetary system. Under the BIG system every person in the world has the right to a basic unconditional income to cover all their basic needs. As can be seen from the quote taken from Graziano’s program – (“People are hungry, not so much because of lack of food availability, but mainly because they cannot afford the food they need for a healthy and productive life.”) – this would in effect give everyone access to food and end hunger in the world. 

The decision to implement such a social program – would be a political matter that requires world consensus. Yet, with half the world already being malnourished, it will not be too hard to find a majority who will demand equal access to basic needs, through a BIG system.

An Equal Money system goes completely beyond that – and involves a total transformation of social, political, and economic structures. Here the monetary system itself is replaced with a new monetary system – where money is no longer based on debt – but is simply made available as an abundant resource so that any project that is best for all can always be ‘sponsored’.  Under Equal Money every person in the world is supported from birth till death – to never in their life experience any form of deprivation.

These are practically feasible solutions for this world one should investigate – if one is really serious about creating a better world for All.

It should be clear by now that within the bounds of the current economic system – there will not be any change forthcoming that can stand the test of time. Hence why we propose that BIG should be used as a means to transition towards an EMS. The collapse of the current economic system is inevitable and world hunger will only escalate as long as one try and find solutions while trying to honor this system. With half the world being malnourished – we can say the current system is a holocaust and should therefore no be honored. 

I suggest one investigate BIG and EMS in considerable depth – you may be astounded at the simplicity of it all, and how come you never even heard about it.

Gabriel Zamora Moreno

At the moment the Vatican is literally a state within a state – an entity with it’s own government and its own ‘guard’– where the pope holds the ‘power’ of an ‘absolute monarch’ – combining executive, legislative and judicial power, which makes him the last remaining ‘absolute monarch’ in Europe.

Therefore within an Equal Money system – from a legal perspective – the Vatican will be ‘dissolved’, just like all other borders and nations.

The papacy will be ‘deleted’ as a position because it is not best for all but only best for the few. The pope will be asked to ‘step down’ and stand equal.  

In an Equal Money System everyone is supported from birth till death – this will show humanity that they are actually able to take responsibility for their own world – and that there is no need to stand inferior to some imaginary God one apparently need to feel protected and cared for. Humanity will be supported by their neighbor – and through the labor one give – one will always equally receive. And through the Equal Money System Humanity will be their own God.

The whole system will be geared towards empowering each one to stand as a self-responsible equal. Equal in knowledge, equal in understanding, equal in money, equal in power, equal in self-dignity and self-respect. With the tools of self-forgiveness and self-honesty it will be shown that there is no part of reality that self is unable to take responsibility for – and thus, that there is no need for Gods and religious institutions. The focus will be physical reality and the development of effective common sense to live and interact in a way that is best for all.

The buildings in the Vatican will have to be assessed as to what can be done with them. If it is practical then I would suggest the interiors be converted to habitations that are part of the basic support for all.  

This will show that greed and inequality are no longer accepted and that all Life must be honored Equal.

For more information on Equal Money, investigate:

Gabriël Zamora Moreno

What needs to be understood when answering this question – is that laws in the current system are written to protect the system and never to support the individual. They only have a function and purpose in the current system – where the starting point is survival and the struggle for money.

What will happen with the implementation of the Equal Money system is that most of the laws that currently exist  – will be deleted as they have no purpose in the new system.

For instance, with inmates that have ‘broken the law’ in the previous system such as in the case of ‘theft’ – when it can easily be assessed that the person was only acting out of necessity in the system to survive; such a person will be rehabilitated when the new system is implemented. In fact all ‘crimes’ that have been committed in the old system that were motivated by money and survival will rather quickly be rehabilitated.

The reason for this is that the ‘danger’ they allegedly presented to society – was really an outflow of the conditions set by the system. To give one example: with the amount of money that is currently in circulation as currency – there is actually not enough to pay off all the debt in the world. To, within such conditions uphold a system of laws as apparent morality and justice in which the individual is to blame for his desperate behavior – is pure cruelty and unacceptable abuse.

The criterion is very simple: would the ‘crime’ have been able to be committed in an Equal Money system, where every being is supported from birth to never in their life have to experience scarcity or any form of material lack? If the answer is ‘no’ (because why would the person steal money from their neighbor if everyone is monthly receiving the exact same amount of money with which they can largely cover their basic needs?) – then clearly we are dealing with a case of provocation on the part of the system – and the supporters of this system should then be held accountable and not the individual who merely suffered a mathematical outflow of the conditions set in this system. 

So, this is with regards to crimes that were committed, but where it can be determined that they weren’t actually crimes, because every person – given the circumstances – would have acted in exactly the same manner.

Other crimes where the link between the act on the one hand and the context of money and survival on the other hand is less apparent – will need more scrutiny. In some cases, the conclusion will be the same as in the above examples – in others the conclusion will be that the person actually requires assistance to stop their harmful behavior, which means the person is to participate in a ‘self-responsibility program’ – where they learn to stop themselves from harming others. This can be in the context of rape-, and violence- and murder cases.

Another example would be drug abuse. A large portion of today’s inmates are incarcerated for drug related crimes. If we are speaking about crimes resulting out of a drug addiction as such then clearly the person must prove that they are able to stand clear from the addiction – which must be done under supervision, after which rehabilitation can ensue. If the drug crime was merely a way to get money without drug addiction being involved as such then immediate rehabilitation should also be considered, because there is really no difference between selling alcohol on market or selling heroine – and bartenders are not put to prison.

In an Equal Money System the focus will change from incarceration and monetary fines as a penal system to re-education through re-education centers. A re-education center is a place where a person is placed to get support with stopping their destructive behavior.   

The starting point of an equal money system is self-responsibility of the individual. This means that a person will always first be supported to take responsibility for themselves and come to a self-directed change – instead of being judged and condemned a priori. The way a person will be assisted is through being offered a total training in self-forgiveness and self-corrective action – under supervision, until the person has proven that they can live and work together with other people in a dignified manner.

If such change however does not come about then the person has actually made a statement that they are unwilling to take responsibility for themselves and that they are unwilling to change.

In such case they have actually given up their right to self-determination and can thus be put away as per their own permission. This is a matter of common sense: if a person keeps repeating the same patterns of abuse – such as raping children – even after an opportunity is given for self-change through self-forgiveness and self-corrective action – and still the person continues, then there is no point in keeping the person around and there is no more forgiveness.

In an Equal Money system actual justice and fairness will exist because everyone will receive an equal opportunity and an equal start in the system.  This will be ensured through equal access to education, equal access to housing, equal access to electricity, equal access to food, equal access to clothing, etc. for everyone. Everyone will receive equal unconditional support. Therefore no one will be able to claim that they were disadvantaged as an excuse for abusive behavior – and the measures that are in such cases imposed on an individual such as re-education will then be justified.

The conclusion is therefore that crime in an EMS will greatly diminish – as the inequalities that were causing violence and crime will be removed. Equal Money Ends all slavery – and therefore there will be no more suppressed injustice – with every participant being supported and given attention as an equal.

Gabriël Zamora Moreno

I’m now in the process of looking for a new apartment and I’d like to share an observation I made after having visited several different apartments/houses.  

So, it happened a couple of times that I would enter an apartment/house and would think to myself that the space is actually nicely furnished – in terms of the furniture being chosen to fit with the interior. However – people have this thing that when they leave a place and move to the next – they take all their furniture with them… I find this impractical for more than one reason, because now everyone who move is taking their furniture with them all the time – from one place to the next: every time emptying the house as much as possible, taking everything that is not attached to the walls and taking it with – leaving empty rooms that need to be completely refurnished for them to be habitable.

So, it occurred to me that people are only doing this because they believe their furniture is precious and more valuable than that of others – and because they know that if they’re going to enter a new place the old inhabitants will have taken all their furniture away as well – such a sad story !

How I see it is it would be far more practical if everyone just leave their furniture where it is – because it was most often than not specifically chosen to fit with a particular interior – where one would then know that wherever one go – the former inhabitants will have left all their furniture in the house. Because what is the point of everyone every time taking all their furniture with like weasels? It just make it impractical for everyone – I say leave the furniture !  Stop being a spoiler !

The reason why this point is now part of culture is because furniture is regarded as ‘capital’ as well – and because capital is scarce, one should ‘hold on’ to one’s capital. It’s like people are still nomads – travelling around with their furniture, without even realizing this – fascinating….

Investigate what will be possible in a world of Equal Money for All…

“Anyone going to college essentially is gambling… Once again, from an investor’s point of view, right now – the way the dollar is, the way inflation is going up, and the way the job market is – a college education just isn’t a good investment… and not a good return on your money.”  — Gennady Litvin, Dept & Bankruptcy Attorney

There was a revealing interview done by RT, called “Brain, No Gain: College a bad investment for jobless US grads”  – from which the above quote is taken.

The interview explains very clearly how at the moment the American economy is in an alarming state of crisis because half of last year’s college graduates are still unemployed to this day. This is because the job market is tightening up to such an extent that even people with qualified degrees can end up on the streets or jobless and in great debt. The US has an allowance for banks to lend money to students as college money – though these amounts are exorbitantly high. One girl speaks of having 60.000 US dollars in debt – a boy mentions even 90.000 US dollars.

Clearly these students have been duped – and have merely been used as ‘human resource’ to make money for the universities and the banks.  

So yes, an entire generation will be lost – and the future ones even more so as long as the current system is ‘kept’ as the ‘best way to exist on earth’ – which is now in a crisis of which many have already said it cannot be fixed and will eventually collapse. The numbers are quite obvious and speak for themselves. Some have dared to speak of a ‘recovery’ – US debt is now at 14 trillion US dollars – that is 6 trillion more than last year – and Europe has now 3 countries that have gone broke under the Euro and many already speculate about who will be the next to ‘fall’ – to me it looks like the system is crashing down in slow motion.

Understand – there will be no solution coming forth that will actually stop the direction in which the world economies are headed – and thus the situation will only get worse.

There is no sufficient understanding of what is causing the problem – as is proven by the many predictions of recovery done by the greatest experts – and there is no willingness to look at what would actually benefit the majority of human beings – which is supposedly the principle of democracy, therefore democracy doesn’t exist.

So, the solution is simplistic – one need to ‘think radical’ and be able to deal with reality: currently half the world (more than 3 Billion people) are living in poverty with 1 Billion on the brink of starvation every day. This atrocity used to be justified by saying that the economic system is beneficial to the West and creating wealth for the West… Though as the example in this interview is demonstrating this is no longer the case – soon we will all be losers under the current system. So, it’s time the former elite make up their mind as to what kind of world they will be creating for their children and their children to come.

At the moment the picture looks pretty grim – and there are crisis in many areas: from financial to ecological to humanitarian – though which all tie together.

The point is that such play-outs can be avoided and are not a necessary path for humanity – though that will require great effort and willingness to stand together as a group that care for each other. We’ve suggested that it is time an Equal Money system be considered as a solution to the current crisis – because within such a structure all of humanity can be integrated as one group of equals, where every single child born is immediately supported through the system of equal unconditional income.

This will transcend all borders.

End all wars.

End all exploitation.

End the struggle for survival.

Everyone will be equally supported and cared for – do you believe that is materially impossible?

Look at what infrastructure, logistics and money are put in play for causes of war – and think again.

Thus – do your research on equal money, what it actually means and stands for and become part of the solution.

Soon there will be a number of  Books published dealing in greater detail with the outlooks of the system, so stay tuned.

Gabriël Zamora Moreno

In Bahrain people are being imprisoned, beaten and tortured by government forces – who are implementing a reign of terror to suppress and silence the discontent of the masses. This is happening alongside the ‘revolutions’ in Egypt and other countries in the region – yet much less reported on, as it seems American interests are more mixed over the issue and have much less of an influence over what is happening there.

This world is such a mess – people will scream rape and murder when their relatives are in some way harmed – when their fellow countrymen are ‘in danger’ – yet no consideration exists for human beings as such – when human beings in a foreign far away country are being abused, raped, tortured and killed – then it is just ‘news’.

In a way people don’t realize what is really happening in this world – especially as some parts of the world are simply being defined as ‘unstable’ and ‘warzones’ – through which is being implied that war and instability will somehow always exist – as if there is a purpose to these atrocities that are continuously being allowed.

What is the massacre in Bahrain about? It’s about Power and control. The families in power not wanting to give up their position of superiority and control over other human beings – wanting to remain ‘God’ over their domain… Revolutions and uprisings will not stop until a real solution is found that places LIFE FIRST instead of MONEY.

The world we currently exist in is the result of history and the way in which we have always existed. An endless game of superiority and inferiority – masters and slaves – revolutions merely causing two parties to `change position` though never breaking the cycle.

In the Western countries this has become `less apparent` because what has happened is that the West is in its entirety dominating the South – where the polarity is now playing out on a world-level between countries. It would therefore `help` to start seeing this world as ONE place – yes, even as `one country` – imagine if we started like that – to stop all nationalism by agreeing that from now on all the nations in the world will be united as `one country` in which everyone is included – without even changing the physical dispersion of humanity on the globe – no – simply saying: `now everywhere on earth is one and the same country` – just so we can get over this mindfuck where we don`t even see or acknowledge the extent to which we abuse each other simply because the consequences are manifesting in some `remote country`.

Obviously to merely change `names` will not alter manifested unequal relationships – that has to be corrected through an entirely new social system. We have suggested that this can be done with an Equal Money System – where each and every single person in the world would receive an EQUAL basic income – which would eliminate all poverty overnight and end the polarity of ‘the rulers’ and ‘the ruled’ – as everyone would be placed in an equal position from birth.

The situation in Bahrain is a consequence of what this entire world exists as – which makes everyone responsible.

A simple question, would you have been indifferent if your child had been there on a holiday while the violence started?

Gabriel Zamora Moreno


This video is part of the Global initiative towards World Equality with the Desteni Income plan. On why the middle road is always abuse and keeps everyone enslaved.

Desteni Income plan:

I give a quick review of where I am currently at in my process and what are some of the points I am busy with – such as studying law and the courses I subscribed for this semester and how to practically manage that in time

This vlog is part of the Desteni income plan as a global initiative towards World Equality with an Equal Money System
For more information about the Income plan, visit:

For information about the Equal Money system, visit:

The System is designed in a polarity of have’s and have not’s through a money-system based on Debt, and the environment you are born into in is what determines your life, be it wealth or poverty – the current system is like a casino, where one’s faith depends on luck only, with winners and losers. Many justify the inequality through ‘natural selection’. But they forget this casino-reality with its casino rules is a Human creation based on Human agreement – and thus not ‘natural selection’. If natural selection really existed then Humanity would already have existed as equals all over the world, working together as one to support each other, because then they would be an effective specie.