Archive for the ‘Greece’ Category

It is interesting that when a country like Greece faces a high debt deficit – it is immediately regarded as an infected country – whereas a country like the US with a 12 trillion dollar debt – can without problems maintain its ‘financial position’ in the world.

This as an obvious indicator that the economy isn’t real.

There is now a popular trend that Greece should leave the Euro and possibly return to a national currency, which is causing alarm from the other European countries, as that could affect the whole euro-project.

Yet what is missed within all this, is that fundamentally this will change nothing – as the replacement of one currency with the other will not remove the agreed upon existence of the debt cycle.

For instance: In 2001 Goldman Sachs made a deal with Greece which resulted in a debt of 2.8 Billion euros + 600 million euro to be repaid additionally. Such a contract has by law real physical consequences  as there will be unimaginable amounts of labor and suffering necessary to ever be able to repay such a debt. This while the transaction itself only involved playing with numbers and digits in computers – almost like a video game.

If I now say that the whole economy is actually a video game – it becomes easy to see the messed up nature of what we as humanity are actually accepting and allowing.

Instead of realizing that the rules of this game are up to each and every single being to co-determine through collective agreement, as each one is equally being affected by it, we have accepted the rules of the game as Holy and have come to accept even the most debased agreements in the name of the Holy rules of the game. Why is the existence of debt being accepted as if it is real? Why are no economists standing up and calling the current system a scam?

If Greece were to leave the euro and return to a national form of currency – this would merely put Greece back into another level of the same video game.

The point that must be understood is that money itself has no intrinsic value. An example to prove  this is that banks are by law permitted to lend out 10 times the actual amounts of credit they have in reserve, which is called fractional reserve banking. On top of that they are entitled to interest upon this non-existent money. Lending is therefore always a fictional operation – yet with real physical consequence to the other party.

The only solution to end the current financial crisis is move away from the current accepted form of money in every way – and to create a new monetary system.

A new agreement must be made that makes money a trustworthy tool that can be used to support all human beings on this planet – instead of it being an unpredictable weapon for greed and control which only benefits a minority and impoverishes and abuses and harasses the large majority. More than half the world at this very day exists in poverty  with 1 billion going to sleep every night on an empty stomach – while there are and for a long time have been more than enough resources in this world to feed and support everyone, as is stated on paper by the United Nations Food and Agriculture organization.

It is time to stop pretending that we don’t have an answer while the answers are right here. Investigate the Equal Money system and see how that will change and transform the experience of life on Earth – as it will guarantee an equal income and equal support to every human being born on this planet, with the resources and the knowledge that are already here.

Gabriël Zamora Moreno