Last week we received two different brochures in the mailbox where one was originating from the town administration, sharing the great achievements that had been done for the town of Ghent in terms of leisure projects and public construction, which are all points that are said to add to the value of Ghent as a place to live – while the other brochure was amongst others exposing how the town administration was actually wasting money on such projects while the town is actually facing a growing number of people who are no longer able to afford normal living conditions, such as paying for a decent place to live – and pointing out that the town marketing is misdirecting the budget for projects that should not be given priority and that only add to the market value of Ghent, while a large portion of it’s inhabitants are deliberately being neglected and considered to be of no value.   

What is striking is that when one would receive only the first brochure which glorifies the town achievements one would really believe that Ghent is a beautiful and benevolent place. Yet, when checking the reality behind this picture, one will find that this effort to build a great picture is the result of a deliberate choice to not support everyone equally but instead choose for quick glory and personal gratification.

How can one claim that poverty and inequality are ‘difficult issues’ – while at the same time millions are being wasted for the pleasure and entertainment of that portion of the population who live above a certain level of comfort? Isn’t this the most backwards reasoning possible?

Clearly this shows that what is valued and ‘cared for’ is money, and not the inhabitants. If the inhabitants were placed first all the money would first be allocated according to who needs it the most, and then if there is something left one could look at entertainment.

This issue reflects a serious problem in the common sense of Humanity – as the numbers of worldwide poverty rare showing, where incredible reasons are given as to why it is ‘difficult’ to for instance end world poverty and world hunger, while at the same time exorbitant amounts of money are being spent everywhere around the world just for entertainment and even downright harmful means.

If all of humanity were to agree on one simple thing, namely what is priority in the context of what is best for everyone together – then it is clear and obvious to me that the greatest issues of suffering and inequality in this world would be able to be sorted out in no time. As it has already been noted, with the US’s yearly military spending alone one could feed and educate the whole world for many many years.

Such forms of abuse should be exposed in all possible ways to show that none of the atrocities humanity is now busy justifying at great length (this in itself also costs a lot of money!!!), are necessary in any way whatsoever and that they only exist because no one is willing to go against the flow of greed and self-interest to bring common sense to the world. Imagine: every day 1 billion people go to sleep with an empty stomach. What if that was you – would you not agree that humanity as a whole is absolutely fucked up? Would you not insist that first everyone needs to be taken care of in their basic needs before attention is given to secondary needs? Wouldn’t you say WTF ???!!!!.

Consider that a change in the system is possible to End this suffering and abuse. Investigate Equal Money, as an actual solution and a new starting point for this world, based on priorities in the context of what is best for all.    

It is perfectly possible to provide decent housing, education, nutrition, electricity, water, clothes, and any other technical support for every human being in this world. Join the research at

  1. kimamourette says:

    Great points here Gabriel, thanx for sharing!

  2. manuela says:

    This is an exemplary demonstration of the distortions we are accepting as our economic system. What used to be miles away, in other countries, where people were starving, not having their basic needs met, is now coming ‘home’ to us. Lo and behold we can see that such abuse is happening right in front of our door steps and we still can’t see it – Here we have evidence that this is not due for sufferance to be ‘off in the distance’ but that we are the living denial for what is going on earth EVERYWHERE. To stop this, we can stop ourselves and bring about a system that is best for all: the equal money system. Thanks!

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